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Welcome to Fernabelle Acres. We grow lots of flowers for florists and event designers in southeastern Wisconsin. As a floral designer myself, I know the frustrations that come with poor communication and product shortages. I want to provide you all with really great flowers and some decent customer service. Who’s with me??


Floral professionals

Looking for seasonal blooms and foliage? We grow an assortment of flower shop faves as well as those ephemeral beauties that are not up to the shipping process.

We’re talking about poppies that open. Zinnias that aren’t crushed. Sweet peas on the vine. Dahlias that actually look amazing. Some of those big ruffly lisianthus. How about the open faced snapdragons?! Yeah, we have all of that!


Did you know that about 80% of the flowers sold in this country are imported from overseas? Yikes! And most of those bunches come wrapped in plastic?? Double yikes. So much fossil fuel! And who even knows what chemicals were sprayed on them.  You know what I’m gonna say!

We all need to start making some better choices and I am trying hard to provide you with a realistic option.

The farm

While we are only selling wholesale directly to florists at this time, we do plan to have pop-ups, on-farm events, and Instagrammable opportunities throughout the year.

We are a working farm so we don’t encourage a lot of visitors but we do want to share this beauty with you all in a way that makes sense for us.

We send out a monthly (maybe? we’ll try) newsletter with seasonal updates, news on farm projects, and potential ways to get involved.